Top 9 Most Haunted Places to Visit in Chennai

Chennai is well known for its rich culture and travel destinations, but it is also home to a number of paranormal activity sites. Many people are curious about exploring these places. So, in this write-up, we are sharing the list of the most haunted places to Visit in Chennai that will blow your mind.

There have been various scary activities that used to happen here at various sites, and their mystery is still unsolved.

List of the Top 9 Haunted Places to Visit in Chennai

  1. Broken Bridge (Besant Nagar, Chennai)
  2. Blue Cross Road (Besant Nagar, Chennai)
  3. Demonte Colony (Abiramapuram, Near Mandaveli)
  4. Anna Flyover (Near Anna Flyover)
  5. Lane East Coast Road (East Coast Road, connecting Chennai and Puducherry)
  6. Theosophical Society (Chennai)
  7. Madras Christian College (Tambaram, Chennai)
  8. F2 Buildings (Valmiki Nagar, Chennai)
  9. Karikattukuppam (Near Muttukadu)

1. Broken Bridge

This bridge was made for all the fishermen. But it is said that because of water, it broke down, and something unusual happened here.

Locals say that now a strange sound of screaming comes here in the night, which is of a woman who was raped here, and she used to do this kind of haunted activity. Dead bodies without any trace have been reported over here.

It is located in Besant Nager, Chennai.

2. Blue Cross Road

A road between a school and an animal centre is famous for some paranormal activities. It has been said that because of the many suicide cases that happened here, negative spirits are still present. Locals have claimed some pale fingers in the night and a slap over their face in the night when they try to cross the road.

This road is in Basant Nagar, Chennai.

3. De Monte Colony

Another haunted place in Chennai, where paranormal activities happen a lot, and the mystery is still to be solved. It is said that a wealthy merchant used to reside here and died because of his unhappy life with a mentally unstable wife.

Now, his negative spirit haunts the people living here. Dogs make an unusual scream, and doors start to open and close. A guard was hired, and he died after some time. There is a house in this colony, and it is said that he still lives in that house.
This colony is still not that well maintained.

This colony is in Abiramapuram, around 1.3 km from Mandaveli.

4. Anna flyover

There is an empty building near Anna Flyover that is said to be a place of deadly souls. Because of the large number of suicides that happened here, this flyover has negative energy. People passing over the flyover talk about the strange noise, sometimes of laughter or screaming. A cold breeze was blowing there on a very hot summer night. This makes the place even more dangerous.

5. Lane East Coast Road

East Coast Road, connecting Chennai and Puducherry, has been titled Haunted because of several mysterious deaths of drivers and injuries to passengers. Mysterious toddlers, cats, and a girl appear here to stop the drivers, which ultimately leads to their accident.

6. Theosophical Society

A 450-year-old Banyan tree at the Theosophical Society is a site for various abnormal activities. After 7 p.m., nobody is allowed to go there to avoid any incident. Screams and cold air fill this place with something very unusual. It has been said that this tree is a residence for various ghosts and negative energies.

7. Madras Christian College

Some people often describe this college as having mysterious activities. According to some people, a boy committed suicide after being rejected by the girl he loved the most. By then, various activities had been recorded over here, which made this place some sort of dangerous site.

Random breaking of glass, the sound of some footsteps, window cracking, and the opening and closing of taps make this place different and unusual from others. Students believe that the boy’s spirit is still present here.

This college is in Tambaram, Chennai.

8. F2 buildings

This haunted place is the home of a daughter who committed suicide, and no strange things happen here. According to the locals, the spirit of the girl opens the door at midnight to serve the guest with some mysterious sound of screaming.

When people pass by the house, their mobile screens start to flicker. It is said that the girl closes the door in the darkness. This abode is famous for this kind of haunted activity and has been marked as a haunted place on Google Maps.

This house is in Valmiki Nagar and is around 15 km from Chennai Airport.

9. Karikattukuppam

One of the scariest places in Chennai, Karikattukuppam, faced a tsunami, and since then, only a few people have resided there. There is a temple here, and locals say that when they visit the temple in the early morning, they find a trace of blood and some strange body parts over there.

According to them, some scary ghost with negative vibes lives there, and he loves blood.
It is located near Muttukadu, around 32 kilometres away from Chennai.

Final Word

These places become haunted because of some mysterious and unusual activities. It is still not known whether this is just a rumour or a true story based on some incidents. We can find these haunted places in Chennai.

Some people explore these sites, while others want to stay away from them. It’s not known yet, but these sites are something unusual. Apart from these, there are many haunted sites in various places. The list doesn’t end here.

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